The Agile Journey: Estimating in agile
Contrary to what some practitioners may think, estimating in agile is no less critical than estimating in more traditional project environments, but it is different. In this next instalment of The Agile Journey, we consider four factors to bear in mind to help boost your chances of delivering your agile projects on time.
Career insights: Is a career in project management right for you?
Could a career in project management be for you? We explore what being a PM entails, how to get accredited and why project management is such a diverse career choice.
Employee training: how can you cut costs while upskilling?
It’s a challenging business environment out there – no matter what industry you’re in. More competition, digitalisation, hyper-connectivity and a globalised marketplace have meant even the biggest players need to adapt to rapid changes. An unfortunate truth is that the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these issues. Organisations need to reduce their outlays while still