Top 5 Facilitation Tips
The word facilitation can be interpreted differently by different people. So what does facilitation really mean for project managers, business analysts, PMOs and the business? I like to think of facilitation as the process of planning, designing and running a productive and impartial meeting or workshop (“event”). As a Facilitator (unlike a trainer) I do not
The business analyst’s guide to stakeholder engagement
Organisations are increasingly acknowledging that a skilled business analyst plays a critical role in the success or failure of a project, however, what we know, understand, and essentially live and breathe as BAs isn’t necessarily congruent with stakeholder thinking. As analysts, we need to take the time to understand our stakeholders better and consciously facilitate
Business Analyst – What role does your BA play in your PMO?
The International Institute of Business Analysis [IIBA®] classifies a Business Analyst function as carrying out: “…set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization, and to recommend solutions that enable the organisation to achieve its goals.” A Guide to
PMO Governance: The Good, Bad and Ugly
Mention the term governance and the responses typically range from: controls, framework, templates, accountabilities, rules, assurance, policies, procedures, standards, to the ‘police’. What does governance mean to you, your PMO, your organisation? Is it supportive or merely a hindrance? Is it about ‘big brother’, an unnecessary overhead or simply assumed? Do you have the ‘right’