Career insights: Is a career in project management right for you?
Could a career in project management be for you? We explore what being a PM entails, how to get accredited and why project management is such a diverse career choice.
Project management trends: Why the future looks bright for graduates
Now Australia is on the other side of the COVID pandemic and firmly in recovery mode, we look at where opportunities are opening up for new entrants to the project management sector and the industries and roles primed for growth over the next decade. The impacts of COVID-19 over the past year, from budget cuts,
The hybrid classroom: training reinvented for a new world
If one thing is clear from the COVID-pandemic, it’s that there is no return to normal. Extended office shutdowns have sparked an immense shift in how, when and where we work, which calls for an innovative step change in how we deliver training. In this article by PM-Partners Head of Training Mike Boutel, discover how
What PMO leaders need to thrive
Like all successful leaders, heads of PMOs must possess both hard and soft skills in order to drive their teams, and their careers, forward. But elevation into a leadership role often occurs based on hard skills alone. This can lead to a state of cognitive dissonance well known to anyone in business: “What got you
How to combat post-COVID change fatigue
Agility and adaptability have always been a savvy project manager’s best friend. And after a year in which the coronavirus pandemic decimated many best-laid plans, flexibility and the ability to create and sustain value in a challenging environment is vital. This is where change management comes in. ‘Stop. We have another new priority.’ Sound familiar?
The most valuable project management skills for 2021 and beyond
Even before COVID-19 turned the business world on its head, rapid globalisation and hyper-connectivity were transforming the day-to-day for organisations. As we accelerate into 2021, Mike Boutel, PM-Partners’ Head of Training, considers the critical capabilities project managers need to arm themselves with in order to navigate the challenging road ahead. After the global pandemic threw
Expert networking advice for 2020 and beyond
With major disruptions to our economy, many people are facing uncertain employment prospects or have already been made redundant. True to form, networking is still one of the best ways to create new opportunities. From traditional to online events 2020 has brought many changes to the way we live and work, and networking is no
PRINCE2® – the benefits for you and your organisation
PRINCE2 is often cited as the most widely used project management method worldwide; it has become the international language for project management.
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