I’ve been teaching since mid-2023.
Product Management.
Anywhere sunny and warm with great people.
Croissants – but gluten-free.
Helping people on their learning journey get the knowledge and skills they need to better their lives.
Plus, I really want to rid the world of awful products – you know, the kind that no one will pay for, that solves a problem no one had or that do not leave the world in a better place.
Product management is a journey that gets better with practice. There are no two companies (or cultures) that do it the same way. The role itself is different depending on the stage your product is at in the product lifecycle.
What is the same, is the focus on Value or Outcomes. Creating value for the organisation while solving problems for the customer.
The product career is often a second career. People may have been an accountant, lawyer, software engineer, data analyst, business analyst, marketer or even chef, before taking on the product manager role.
I’d be solving problems.
I have too many. A few great books: No Rules Rules, Never Split the Difference and Atomic Habits.
Customers have queued up overnight for my product. Waiting for the launch day so they could be the first to own my product.